register.txt 8/11/95 Newt 3.1 - Shareware and Freeware - Registration, Upgrade Fees - Online Viewers & Acrobat - Registration Form (desktop, Newton) - Compuserve SWREG - Kagi shareware registration service ----- Shareware vs. Freeware, or What do you get? Newt is my first shareware offering. I debated whether to cripple this version by not allowing you to save any or many methods or to quit automatically after awhile if you had not registered, but I decided that I would rather spend my time figuring out how to add new functionality rather than disable existing features. Registered users receive a 80+ pp. manual including an introduction to NewtonScript, information about additional methods, 170+ source examples (see examples.txt) and current releases via download or floppies**. I welcome comments, suggestions and questions, and will respond as time permits. Minor updates to the basic Newt package and examples will generally be free, especially if distributed over a network. However, I reserve the right to charge additionally for major upgrades, for additional modules or other services. The other files listed as part of the Newt release are also shareware, but included in Newt registration. Slurpee is a shareware ($10) utility (free to Newt users) for transferring data and text between Newton and desktop systems. DontAsk is shareware ($5) (free to Newt users) for turning off annoying keyboard prompts. It's possible that other bundled modules could be registered or licensed separately (e.g., NewtPack) -- contact me. If after a few days of trial use of Newt, NewtATut, etc., you find Newt useful and would like to continue using it with a clear conscience and have the additional benefits just mentioned, please stop procrastinating and register. I know this sounds like a pledge break for National Public Television/Radio, but that is the kind of user participation and support that shareware deserves and needs. If you are still not ready to register, don't be afraid to send email -- to ask more about what Newt already provides or tell me what it should have. Knowing users are out there, with some occasional words of encouragement and praise, are important. Money confirms that, covers some costs, and helps justify spending a little more time on Newt in preference to other family or business pursuits. **Options: #A. If you have http(web) or ftp access, you can download everything (.sit or .ZIP). See if you can access "public" files first via #B. Or, I can mail you: - floppy#1 (current releases, examples, essential plug-ins) - floppy#2 (manual and tutorials (NewtATut, NewtTurT, NewtPFB) as Acrobat PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) (with bookmarks and cross-reference links); plus additional tools/packages - floppy#3 (optional: if you know you can run, but can't (or would rather not) download Acrobat Reader for Macintosh or Windows) #C. Or, I can mail you - floppy#1 (current releases, examples, essential plug-ins) - paper manual. When you register (assuming you give me an email address), I'll clarify and confirm these choices with you. If floppies, choose Mac(.sit) or DOS(.zip) format. ----- Registration, Upgrade Fees You can register and pay via mail (see Registration Form) or electronically (see SWREG and Kagi). The registration fee for Newt 3.1 is currently $49.50*. This includes several dollars more to cover some of the overhead charges and delays associated with Compuserve's SWREG and Kagi's Register electronic registration services. If you're a high school student (or younger), ask me about a special discount. There are no additional S&H or charges for international users. *If you mail me a check in US$, registration is discounted to $45. Checks in US $ preferred, but I can also accept checks in foreign currency (equivalent to $49.50), or as a last resort US cash (if you're careful to wrap it in an extra layer or two of paper -- ask me first). For credit cards and internet cash transfers, see Kagi (later). Current registered users can send $10 to obtain the latest releases, examples and manual on floppy. If you're registered and have not heard from me in awhile, or you change your email address, please send me email ( -- preferred). ----- Online Viewers & Acrobat You can have a paper manual if preferred or required. However, there are some benefits to an electronic version: more information: - NewtMan.doc is 80+ pp.(and growing) - NewtATut, NewtTurT, NewtPFB in PDF (as well as NewtonBook versions) (if there's space on the floppy, more bits don't cost more to mail) more useful: - print the document if you prefer paper - access it page-by-page hierarchically using bookmarks (table of contents) via links (cross-references) Find, copy&paste, etc. - customize document with annotations (sticky notes) and your own bookmarks and links (if you're using Acrobat Exchange) more easily: - I can update and distribute the manual more often, eventually via ftp - I can reduce photocopier frustration (and deforestation) Why Acrobat? Acrobat Reader is a low-end viewer application for Adobe's family of products based on PDF (Portable Document Format) files; the release includes readme, help and sample documents; other products are Exchange and Distiller. The PDF format and Acrobat API are published. PDF files are compact and cross-platform. FREE versions of Reader are available for Macintosh, Windows, Unix and DOS. Acrobat Reader (2.0) is available from: [Internet], Windows, DOS, UNIX (also see my web page for other URLs: [America Online] Computing: Application or Electronic Publishing (Macintosh) PC Forums:Windows:Text & Word Programs (Windows) [Compuserve] GO ACROBAT or GO ADOBE, "Download Acrobat Viewer" (Macintosh, Windows, DOS) [eWorld] Library:MacWeek or Text&Pub (Macintosh) Macintosh SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ===== - Macintosh computer with 68020 (Macintosh II series) or greater processor - MacOS 7.0 or greater - 2 MB application RAM - 4 MB hard disk space - FDHD floppy disk drive Windows SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ===== - 386- or 486-based personal computer (486 recommended) - Microsoft Windows 3.1 or greater - 4 MB application RAM - 4 MB hard disk space - 1.44 MB 3.5" floppy disk drive ----- Registration Form To create a registration form on the Newton that you can print, email, etc., in Newt: tap the overview button, select About Newt, then tap Save (in Eval Controls) before exiting to create a registration form in Newt's current Notepad folder. Or, you can copy/edit/print the following form on your desktop system: If you provide me your (preferred) email address, it's easier for me to clarify options with you, and keep you informed about upcoming releases, examples, etc. Regarding downloading/floppy options, choose one of A, B or C -- see earlier note. If you tell me where you obtained Newt, e.g., uiowa, AMUG, sumex, AOL, Compuserve, eWorld, CD, friend, other, I can ensure that the latest versions appear there. ----- CUT HERE ----- Registration (register.txt): Newt 3.1 Date: ____________ To: Steve Weyer 17 Timber Knoll Drive Washington Crossing, PA 18977-1052 Internet: America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 From: (optional) , /, , / and/or (optional) (highly recommended) Examples, Docs (choose A, B, or C): #A. I'll download everything: _______ (tell me path & password) #B. Floppies (with docs in PDF format) _______ Include Acrobat Reader (I don't have it) _______ #C. Floppy and paper manual _______ If B or C, Mac or DOS floppies? _______ Where I obtained Newt: ______________ Check for $45 enclosed _____ (Upgrade: $10) Comments: ____________ ____________ ------------------- Compuserve SWREG Compuserve users can register for Newt online via GO SWREG. Newt's ID#: 3143. The total cost is $49.50 (this includes $4.50 to help defray part of the overhead of this service). I will confirm your registration and send you a message to confirm, and ask about your downloading, floppy format (Mac or DOS) and manual preferences (paper or Acrobat). If you are a currently registered Newt user, you can upgrade for $11 using SWREG ID#: 4567. ----- Kagi Shareware Registration Service If you obtain the free Register application for your Newton (most likely on the same system/service where you obtained Newt), you can register shareware and pay electronically via Visa, MC, AMEX, NetCash or FirstVirtual. Look at the readme that accompanies the Register application for more information. (You can obtain more info about Kagi via: If you can't use the Register application directly, you can send me your credit card info, and I can create an electronic registration for you that encodes this info, and that you can then submit via email (or fax). Newton. You can start up Register from Extras and select NewtDevEnv, or from within Newt, you can select the $ button within "About Newt". After filling out the electronic form (make sure the application shows Newt or Newt 3.1, and $49.50; $11 if you are a current user upgrading), the registration (with some fields encoded) is sent via email (NewtonMail currently); I assume that this will be extended as other email services become available on the Newton (e.g., LunaMail, Aloha). Macintosh, Windows. You can also register Newt using a version of Register application on the Macintosh or Windows -- see my web page for the applications. When I receive confirmation of your registration from Kagi, I will contact you via email to ask about your downloading, floppy (Mac or DOS) and manual preferences (Acrobat or paper) The total registration cost is $49.50 (this helps defray service charges/delays). ----- If you have further questions about registering or about Newt in general, you can email me at: Internet: [preferred] America Online/eWorld/NewtonMail: SteveWeyer Compuserve: 74603,2051 or consult my home page: